Arnfinn Sundsfjord, MD PhD. Co-network manager.
April 3, 2018

Sundsfjord was one of the founders of AMR-research at UiT/UNN in the 1990s and has served in several roles such as research group-/project leader, mentor for many MSc-/PhD-students and several post docs, building national/international networks, chaired/participated in relevant national/international processes/arenas (NWGA, NordicAST, EUCAST, the Scientific advisory board for JPI-AMR) and evaluator of research programmes and grant applications. He is currently the Norwegian PI in the NORHED-project in capacity building in Antibiotic stewardship/AMR in Malawi/Mozambique in collaboration with the University of Kwa-Zulu-Natal (Durban, SA). Relevant competencies are in the detection, the genetic mechanisms and the molecular epidemiology of AMR. He is one of the founders of NOR-KLEB, and is currently co-supervisor of two PhD-students (A. Fostervold and N. Raffelsberger) in the frame of NOR-KLEB.
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